Leading Provider of Quality Food & Beverages
3D Food Printing System Procusini 3.0 is an universal
Plug & Play Printing solution for the creative and persona
l creation of food in professional kitchen, catering and
event-gastronomy, as well as bakery and confectionary.
Bakery & Confectionery
The 3D Food Printing System Procusini 3.0 allows you as
baker or confectioner to individually and creatively design
food items. Thus, you may individualize your cakes with
text messages, logos and 3D objects in a new way.
Even a 3D scanned and marzipan-modelled
original bridal couple is possible – let your creativity go wild.
Catering & Gastronomy
To you, as professional in catering and event gastronomy,
the 3D food printer Procusini 3.0 opens up exciting
opportunities to individually and creatively shape food items.
The greeting from the kitchen, the side dishes for the main
course and the fine dessert – With text messages,
logos and 3D objects, the professional can enrich whole
menus on events in a completely new way or can set
nice accents when decorating the buffet.